sessions.lqfm version 2.0 25,027 bytes General Module Information All underscores preceding ".ht" must be removed from filenames; the "s" must be removed from the extension ".phps." These characters are added to allow users to view the files online. This module can be downloaded with these modifications already in place in the compressed format(s). The file "version.txt" contains the version number and information relevant to it, such as permissions. Sessions Module Information Use a form to post the username ("username") and password ("password") to the handler script ("login.php"). Modify this script to include the page you would like the user to be directed to when the login is successful. On the included page, require .htstartsession.php. This will create the variable "$id". Make sure to add "[?/&]username=$username&id=$id" to all hyperlinks. On all pages, require .htsession.php, and then enclose the rest of the page in an if statement like "if ($validated) {/*page contents*/}". Because sessions.lqfm is sensitive to the current working directory like most modules, using a function like chdir() is recommended for before and after the require statement. To logout a user...###################### .htendsession.php This script removes session information from the database. It does not validate. .htpasswords This file holds encrypted passwords. .htsession.php This script validates a session and kills it if it has expired. .htstartsession.php This script writes session information to the database. It does not validate. .htusers This file stores valid usernames. id/index.php This index script prevents the contents of the folder from being viewed. This is vital, as the folders themselves are the session ids. login.php This script handles logins. logout.php This script handles logouts. sessioncron.php This script removes expired sessions. It must be accessed through a cron job. The command "links -dump servername.ext/sessions.lqfm/sessioncron.php" would work while providing ample security, for example.